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    What Should I Know Before Hiring A Marketing Agency

    That moment has come that you have been waiting for a long time; the business is going from strength to strength, the brand is beginning to be recognized by many more people and the job of communication is overtaking you. Without a doubt, the time has come: it’s time to get a marketing agency such as https://itshark.ca.

    What type of agency should I hire? Are they all the same? What are you offering? How to know which one is the best? What do I have to expect from them? These are just some of the questions that you are surely asking yourself, do not worry too much, it is perfectly normal, at the end of the day you will be leaving your baby in the hands of perfect strangers.

    So that these questions do not torment you every day, we are going to help you with five essential points that you must consider before hiring a marketing agency. 

    1 Experience

    Not all agencies are the same, that’s a fact, and in the world we live in, agencies come and go every day, they change names, creative, everything.

    Do not be too scared, this is perfectly normal; however it is important that you ask who the people who are part of the team are. The resume of the agency and its members (as a whole, of course) will tell you a lot about who they are.

    Many of the agencies will be happy to tell you about their achievements, if you come across one that does not share their success stories, it may be important that you think twice.

    2 Industry Knowledge

    When you are looking to hire a person, it is likely that you will be struck by their level of specialization in a certain subject, although sometimes you may need a person who is very versatile. The same goes for agencies.

    You have to define if what you need is versatility or expertise. If your brand is targeting a very narrow niche, and there is an agency that has experience with that group of people, it may be the right one.

    The above does not mean that it only has to be that way, being able to build a long-term relationship with your agency and together build a specialized communication team is something that, although it takes more time, could bring you many better benefits.

    3 Creative And Strategic processes

    The ability to deliver the important points to communicate expressed in a strategic and creative message is one of the most important things to take into account.

    Being able to grab the audience’s attention, the ability to be concise, and the ability to reinvent yourself every time are essential elements. There is a responsibility on both sides at this point.

    4 Communication Marketing Agency – Brand

    The previous point and this will go hand in hand. It is of vital importance for the agency, and for the brand, to carry out effective communication. The contact that is generated between the two parties will be a fundamental part when reviewing the results.

    Although it will be the responsibility of the agency to be able to solve your communication needs in the most creative and strategic way, it will be yours to be able to deliver those needs on time. The ideal between the marketing agency and the brand is that they work together in all processes.

    5 Budget Management

    How much does communication cost in a marketing agency? Prices will vary. Without a doubt, you cannot make a decision solely based on the budget that they are going to give you. Not even very expensive agencies are the best, and perhaps wanting to save a few thousand pesos, in the long run, will be much more expensive.

    Reaching economic agreements with the agencies will make you very aware of the path they are going to take. It is very valid to start with a tight budget, and based on results you can make much larger investments. The best advice we can give you is to get to know the marketing agency and the people who work for it. Generating a warm work environment will have much better results. Tell us about your experiences working with marketing agencies.


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