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    What is QuickBooks Error H202 and How to Fix Multi-User Switching Problem

    When the QuickBooks program tries to establish a connection to your company files but fails to communicate with the server, QuickBooks error H202 is likely to appear. This usually happens when a user switches to the multi-user mode.

    If you are wondering what could be the ways to fix this error, we will help you to know that. In this guide, we will discuss QuickBooks 2012 error code H202, causes, and fixation methods.

    What is Multi-User Mode and QuickBooks Error Code H202

    QuickBooks has a multi-user mode feature that allows QuickBooks users to access the same company file on different devices. On this multi-user network, QuickBooks files are saved on the server computer. Other devices that are connected to a network that do not host the QB company files are known as Workstations.

    If these workstations fail to open the company files that are stored on another device, it may create conflicts with the connection. As a result, you receive QuickBooks error H202 on your screen.

    What Causes Error H202 in QuickBooks?

    If your QuickBooks program is unable to connect to the remote server to access the company files, this may happen due to the following reasons:

    • When the hosting settings are not configured properly.
    • Windows firewalls or security programs have blocked communication.
    • DNS settings are misconfigured.
    • Unable to get the IP address of the server or host system to QuickBooks desktop.
    • QuickBooks services such as  QuickBooksDBXX or QBCFMonitor are either not running or the services have been damaged.
    • QuickBooks Database Server Manager is conflicting with the DNS server.
    • H202 error code in QuickBooks port is not available.
    • Multiple versions of Database Server Manager are clashing while running.

    Depending on the cause, you can implement methods to troubleshoot the QuickBooks H202 multi-user mode error.

    How to Fix QuickBooks Error H202?

    QuickBooks error code H202 can be stubborn, however, it can be resolved if you follow the proper configuration. For instance, you can check the network connectivity, run QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool, add QuickBooks Server into Windows Host file, or change QuickBooks Company file location.

    If required then you can try restarting QuickBooks Database Server Manager, renaming.ND and.TLG File, reinstalling QuickBooks Desktop and using QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.

    Let’s implement these methods one by one.

    Method 1: Check the Network Connectivity

    Since the QuickBooks error H202 can be caused due to the poor server so the first method is to test the network connectivity and calibration. To do so, you can follow these steps:

    • Launch “QuickBooks” on all those devices that are networking for accessing QuickBooks.
    • Go to the “File” menu.
    • Click on the “Utilities” option.
    • Disable the hosting.
    • Now, use the “Windows” key.
    • Type in “This PC” on the QB host computer.
    • Then, click on the “Network” option located on the left. Then, verify if all the networks are visible.
    • Ping your workstations respectively from the QB server or host computer.
    • Then, ping QuickBooks host or server from the PC that is showing QuickBooks error code H202.
    • Now open the “Command Prompt”.
    • Then, ping the command syntax: ping [Computer Name].
    • Hit the “Enter” button.

    When the command responds, you can easily find glitches or local area networks. Thereafter, you can fix the issues related to the network. If you are not tech-savvy then asking for technical assistance from professionals will be beneficial.

    Method 2: Run QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool

    By running QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool, you can analyze the network. You can also fix the firewall port settings if required. Here is how to do it.

    • Download “QuickBooks Connection Diagnostic Tool” on your computer.
    • Once downloaded, install the tool in order to run it.
    • Then, start scanning your QuickBooks company files or folders.
    • When the tool runs, make sure you note down your IP address that is displayed on the screen.
    • In the “Firewall Status” section, turn on the ports where you see the “Open Ports” button.
    • Follow on-screen prompts.

    After following all these steps, you can open your company file on the computer where you are receiving QuickBooks error code H202. If the error still prevails then you should add exceptions for the QB firewall port in Windows Firewall.

    Method 3: Add QuickBooks Server into Windows Host File

    In this method, you can append your QB server information into the Windows host file. This can be done by following these steps:

    • Browse the Windows Host file where you are receiving the error.
    • Click right on the host file and choose the “open with option”.
    • Then, click on “Notepad”.
    • Scroll down and type your IP address at the end.
    • Use the “Tab” key on your keyboard.
    • Then, type your “QuickBooks Server Name”.
    • Use “Ctrl + S” keys in order to save changes for your host file.

    Once done, close the notepad and try accessing your company file. If you still find a QuickBooks H202 error while opening the company file then try changing the location. Know more in the next method.

    Method 4: Change QuickBooks Company File Location

    Another QuickBooks H202 error fix is to create a new folder and copy-paste your company file from one location to the new folder. Here are the steps for that.

    • Make a new folder for your company file.
    • Pick your company file and transaction file from the company file folder.
    • Then, copy the file using the “Ctrl + C” keys.
    • Now, open the folder you just created.
    • Use “Ctrl + V” keys to paste the company file.

    By changing the company file location, you can easily fix the error. After that, you can try accessing your company file in multi-user mode.

    In Brief

    QuickBooks H202 error code causes your company files especially if you are working in multi-user mode. However, you can rectify this error by following this guide. Hopefully, you have understood how to fix QuickBooks error H202 using these effective solutions.


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