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    How to Choose a Wine Club-Some Thoughts on Value and Options

    Wine clubs come in all shapes, sizes and types. I don’t know how long the wine clubs have been, but for the last 30 years I’ve been with them. The whole concept of “wine club” seems somewhat contradictory. In the traditional sense, I think a club should be economical, educational, or at least have a social element in addition to its value-added proposition. When a person joins a golf club, car club, or quilting club, the motivation is social, technological advancement, financial rewards, etc. of meeting other like-minded people. However, the wine design custom wine labels seems to have only economic offers. Club owners can conveniently purchase wine.

    When someone joins an association like the NRA, they do so to get a lobby effect or discount. However, the club seems to touch other motivating nerves in membership.

    The reasons for joining a wine club are probably for the following reasons:

    • Recommended by a friend.
    • You want to experiment with wines that are generally not available in local wine stores.
    • It is convenient assuming someone over 21 years old can sign for delivery.
    • You like surprises and the wines chosen/provided for that month or quarter are irrelevant.
    • The reviews/technical details that come with the wine are helpful in areas like food pairing.
    • Even after taking into account the shipping cost, the wines you receive have financial value.

    The wine club’s business model is not difficult to grasp. Gather buyers, buy in bulk, find motivated sellers, define and advertise wines at specific price points. There are clubs for all levels and types of interest. For example, my wife recently received a quarterly mail from a luxury club. They promote premium wines through quarterly shipments. Their wine selection is around $100 per bottle. The problem is that my wife only likes white people and even they have to belong to the narrow breed. So her premium wine club is not good for her.

    Here are some factors to consider when choosing a wine club:

    • Financial commitment-how often will you receive wine and what price range will you receive? Some clubs are on a monthly delivery schedule, others are on a quarterly basis. Your credit card account will be charged automatically according to the appropriate delivery schedule.
    • Wine selection-there are also options related to the varieties offered by various clubs. Some specialize in offering varieties of specific countries.
    • Flexibility-If you are not satisfied with the wine you sent, please check our return policy.
    • The quality of the wine of your choice-find out what kind of wine the club has to offer. Are you looking for this wine and want to try it? Are the selected wines served through wineries or retail wine stores that produce them? If so, at what price. The price may not be an issue. After all, wine is the end result. The wine club’s default offer is a reasonably priced wine, which is convenient for obtaining wine.
    • Motivation-Now ask yourself if you are a collector or a consumer. There are some wine clubs offered by the winery, and this is the only way to get premium wines at the initial launch. The aftermarket is the only alternative to obtaining desirable wines. Some premium wineries have a club membership fee, which can be very expensive and often have a waiting list to become a member.


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