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Ut interdum risus felis, eget rhoncus sem aliquam nec. Sed eu congue arcu. Duis ultricies orci nec diam malesuada accumsan. Aliquam pulvinar pulvinar orci, nec ornare ex efficitur ac. Proin quis laoreet quam. Praesent sagittis mollis turpis tempus sodales. Ut efficitur tortor nec condimentum ornare.

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    A Short Guide to Flexible Working

    Flexible working describes ‘a way of working that suits an employee’s needs. Flexible working is beneficial for both the employee and the organization they work for. Aspects of the working arrangement, such as where, when, how long, and at what time an employer works, can vary vastly. Here is a short guide to inform you about flexible work practices.

    Can I Apply for Flexible Work?

    Employers may choose to provide flexible working opportunities to their staff for a variety of reasons. Flexible working arrangement requests can be made formally or informally. Employees can ask for a flexible working arrangement by making a statutory request or a non-statutory request. Ultimately, it is up to the employer if they want to accept or reject the request. Should a request be rejected, employees can check if it was due to discrimination.

    Different Types of Flexible Working

    There are many forms of flexible work; here are a few popular types.

    • Part-time working is when employees are contracted to work less than full-time
    • Compressed hours describes a situation where an employee works full-time in longer blocks over fewer days
    • Annualized hours require employees to work a set amount of hours annually, but there is flexibility in their work patterns
    • Job sharing is when two or more part-time employees share a job role and split the hours
    • Working From Home enables employees to perform work duties at home
    • Regular Remote Work, also known as teleworking and mobile working, can take place anywhere the employee chooses

    Where Do Flexible Workers Work?

    Although many types of flexible working practices take place in the employer’s workplace, some arrangements enable employees to work from home or in another place of their choosing. For example, regular remote workers often choose to work in a flexible office due to the professional layout of the space and the advantages of working in a productive environment. In addition, flexible workspaces are furnished with everything a working professional may need, and they often feature high-quality amenities and top-notch facilities. Not to mention, individuals do not need to pay ongoing fees or sign long-term contracts.

    Hot Desking

    Hot desking describes a workspace organization system where a remote worker uses a workstation, or desk, in a coworking or private environment on an ad hoc basis. Multiple workers can use this workstation throughout the day and provide workers with everything they need to do their usual office job. Hot desking is ideal for workers looking for a professional environment to concentrate on and is perfect for people traveling through busy cities were working in a hectic cafe just won’t cut it. The Brew provides different types of workspaces, from tailor-made offices to a hot desk in London.

    Private Office Space

    Working professionals based in one place for a period of time can benefit from private office space. These workspaces feature everything you can find in a traditional office and more. With private office space, you have access to fantastic facilities and amazing amenities, and you don’t have to pay an extortionate price for the privilege.


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