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    The Real Difference Between CBD and THC: A Simple Guide

    Did you know there are strains of marijuana that won’t get you high?

    Marijuana has long been toted to have a range of health benefits from reducing aches and pains to alleviating symptoms of depression. However, different strains of marijuana will have different effects on the brain and body, to the point that strains with low THC are unlikely to get a person high.

    Interested in learning more? Here’s a quick guide on the difference between CBD and THC.

    What Is THC vs CBD?

    CBD and THC are two of many types of cannabinoids present in marijuana.

    THC and CBD are often smoked or vaped as an oil, but there are other forms available for those with certain conditions. Both are available as capsules, gummies, or tinctures made from Full Spectrum Distillate or a similar product.

    The main difference between CBD and THC effects, including whether they make someone high or not, is because they interact with different receptors in the brain. CBD-dominant medical marijuana is unlikely to give someone a high, but marijuana with enough THC in it will.

    CBD and THC Benefits

    While THC and CBD have similar benefits for certain medical conditions, including debilitating pain, anxiety, and nausea. However, there are still many differences in what THC and CBD can potentially treat.

    Quality CBD products are often bought to help with migraines, inflammatory bowel disease, and seizures. They may also help with depression, anxiety, psychosis, and other mental disorders.

    THC may have the potential to help manage symptoms of glaucoma, muscle spasticity, low appetite, and insomnia.

    CBD and THC Side Effects

    CBD is not addictive, does not have any known side effects, and is considered safe in large quantities. The only potential for adverse effects is if the CBD poorly interacts with other medications a person is taking.

    THC may cause some temporary side effects, including:

    • Dryness in mouth
    • Red eyes
    • Increased heart rate
    • Slowed response times
    • Coordination issues
    • Memory loss
    • Feeling high

    Those who use THC recreationally may be at risk of addiction. There is also a possibility that those with a predisposition towards schizophrenia may be at increased risk of developing the condition when taking regular or large doses of THC. Teenagers are especially susceptible to psychiatric side effects as their brains are still in development.

    Knowing the Difference Between CBD and THC

    The difference between CBD and THC is big enough to change how a strain of marijuana affects the brain and body.

    CBD is non-addictive, is unlikely to have adverse effects, and will not typically give someone a high. THC, however, can cause someone to experience a high and may have other side effects as well.

    Depending on the quality of THC or CBD products, they can potentially have a variety of health benefits. When buying these products, make sure to look for ones that are legitimate and lab-tested.

    If you found this article helpful, be sure to check out our health section for more quality posts.


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